National Day of Service - Making up Brown Bag Lunches for Fr. Bill's
March, 2024 The Club selected to help a local women's shelter as a community service project. Each team started with a large bag containing a set of towels, a throw and a knitted hat. Our Members donated personal care items, gift cards along with many other items that could be of use. Many of these women come to the shelter with just the clothes on their backs.
September 30 - GFWC NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE. Many clubs across the country are joining together in their communities to participate by organizing activities that highlight food insecurity. Braintree Women’s Club volunteers purchased items to put brown bag lunches together for Fr. Bills & Mainspring a homeless shelter and Supportive Services facility in Quincy that serves the south shore of Massachusetts. 45 lunches consisting of sandwich, water, snack, cookies and fruit will be delivered for their distribution. Just another way the GFWC and BWC volunteer their service to their communities.
Valentine's Day Bags for residents at the
Caritas Holbrook Ave House
The Holbrook Ave. Caritas House located in our community presently has 19 residents. Our club members donated suggested items and our Community Service members assembled 19 canvas tote bags containing comforting and helpful winter items for each of them as a special Valentine treat. The totes contained fleece throws, socks/slippers, mugs, b0xes of hot chocolate, microwave popcorn, playing cards, candied conversational hearts and laundry pods. We have also donated a bookcase for their common room and are filling the shelves with book donations from our members. We hope these small gestures can help our neighbors feel special. Please see our November 2022 newsletter for more information about the Caritas Housing Program. , , , , ,, ,